After the grand success of 'Singham', director Rohit Shetty is planning to make a sequel of the movie. According to the sources, Rohit Shetty had offered a role for the sequel 'Singham 2' to Bollywood hot actress Kareena Kapoor and Kareena also was so excited and looking forward to work with him again in this movie.
But the latest buzz is that Kareena Kapoor will not be doing this movie as Rohit has decided to give this role to the new comer from South who will play opposite Ajay Devgan. When Rohit was asked about the reason, he said that the role in the movie is too small for an established actress like Kareena Kapoor.
Kareena made her debut in Bollywood film industry in 2000 from the movie 'Refusee' opposite Abhishek Bachhan. In 2001, she worked in the movies like 'Asoka' and 'Kabhi Khusi Kabhi Gham' respectively. Her role in historical drama movie 'Asoka' as Kaurwaki was well received and Karan Johar's melodrama movie 'Kabhi Khusi Kabhi Gham' became blockbuster in the box office.
In 2004, she made her appearance as a sex worker in 'Chameli' and in the same year in 'Dev' she portrayed a role of a riot victim. In both movies, her acting was well praised by the critics. In 2006, she worked in 'Omkara'.
In 2007, Kareena Kapoor won the Filmfare Award for Best Actress for her role in the romantic comedy movie 'Jab We Met' in which she played opposite Shahid Kapoor. After that, she gave subsequently successful and blockbuster movies like '3 Idiots' in 2009, 'Golmaal 3' in 2010, 'Bodyguard' and 'Ra-One' in 2011.