Bollywood actor Salman Khan seems keen to romance onscreen with the Bollywood hottie Kareena Kapoor once again. After the grand success of their last movie 'Bodyguard' which grossed Rs.230 crores, Salman and Kareena seems to have a onscreen romance soon.
Before the huge success of 'Bodyguard' Salman Khan and Kareena Kapoor had delivered two flop movies at Bollywood Box Office: 'Kyun Ki' and 'Main aur Mrs.Khanna'.
If rumors are to be believed, Salman Khan has recommended Bollywood hot actress Kareena Kapoor for the banner project to Sooraj Barjatya in which Salman again will be seen playing a character named Prem.
It is heard that Sooraj Barjatya had a few other names in his mind, but Salman told him that he would like to work with Kareena Kapoor rather than any other actress.
The buzz is also that, Kareen Kapoor too lookin forward to share screen once again with Salman Khan.