1. Exercise every morning: Every morning when you wake up, do some stretching exercise. Stretching exercises helps in blood circulation and digestion.
2. Drink enough pure water: Researches has proven that drinking pure water in empty stomach is very good for health.
3. Do not skip breakfast: Most of the people skip breakfast to lose weight but in the contrary, researches shows that skipping breakfast is the main cause for weight gain. It is healthy to have little food in the morning for good health and fitness.
4. Drink milk daily: Studies shows that your bones density declines after the age of 30. So drink more milk and eat yoghurt to gain more calcium. It'll make your bones strong.
5. Healthy Sports: Involve in healthy sports like swimming, cycling, fishing, walking as it is necessary for our good health according to the experts.
6. Laugh much: According to the recent study held in Japan, laughter can heal both body and mind as well as boost our immune system. As Charlie Chaplin says,''A day without a laughter is a day wasted".