The very gergeous Bollywood actress Esha Gupta was spotted at the Emirates Stadium in London. According to the sources the Bollywood hottie Esha was currently in London with Saif Ali Khan, Ritesh Deshmukh, Bipasha Basu, Ram Kapoor and Tamannah for the shooting of Sajid Khan's nest movie 'Hamshakals'.
But the reason what was she doing at the Emirates Stadium is, Esha is a die-hard fan of the football club Arsenal. So, she thought since she was shooting in London, atleast she visit Emirates Stadium once because Emirates Stadium is the heart of Arsenal.
Esha made her debut with Mahesh Bhatt's film 'Jannat 2' which was a commercial successful. Then she gave another successful movie i.e. Vikram Bhatt's thriller movie 'Raaz 3D'. Her third movie was Prakash Jha's 'Chakravyuh'.